Event Dates: September 8-10, 2022 live! Location: The Denver Marriott Westminster City/State: Westminster, Colorado

ABWA’s core values are emblematic of the Association’s commitment to ensuring women continue to know and grow their value in the workplace. They are:
Lifelong Learning (being committed to enhancing your own business knowledge skills and acumen).
Manage for Innovation and Excellence (being committed to original thinking and delivering excellence in everything you do) and,
Celebrate (be committed to celebrating members’ achievements).
These core values are reflective in every conference event whereby conference attendees are afforded multiple opportunities to enhance their business acumen and leader effectiveness by fostering new thinking, idea generation, and expansion of perspectives. Featured in this year’s line-up are four impactful keynotes and three intensive Breakout Sessions presented by dynamic speakers and subject matter experts. These sessions will inspire attendees to go the extra distance in their business, their workplace and in their lives, becoming the best version of themselves. All breakout sessions will be facilitated by reputable learning institutions including; the KU School of Business, Franklin Covey, and The Grove Consultants International. Continuing Education Units (required by many professions) are also available in two of the three Breakout sessions. And throughout the conference, we will recognize and celebrate members whose commitment to these values are immeasurable. Come home to ABWA at the National Women’s Leadership Conference where we will connect, learn and grow TOGETHER TOWARDS TOMORROW!